Actually, the pictures were from his second practice. You know, what really gets my goat (not that I HAVE a goat mind you) is how all the youth sports have moved to Sunday so as not to interfere with anything important. But that's another tangent.
Because of Bryce's age, his soccer team would have to travel all around south texas to play...on SUNDAY's. Well, as you well know we don't play sports on Sunday. So Bryce decided to play football this year. He was so excited the day before when Grandma and Grandpa got all his equipment. He wore his football shoes the whole day before his first practice. His mind changed quite a bit on the evening AFTER his first practice though! He hasn't run that much his whole life I believe. The coach is spending the first few weeks doing conditioning. And yes, this is Pee-Wee football, but it IS South Texas too! These pictures are from his second practice, which went much better.